Friday, September 18, 2009

Kosher Lamb

Serves: 8

  • 1 kg lean lamb strips, cut up thin
  • 4 very large washed leeks
  • 4 medium carrots, peeled
  • 4 peeled potatoes, cubed
  • 1 large bottle of tomato pieces (coarse)

Put meat in the saucepan. (I use my pressure cooker).

Add sliced up leeks (they need a lot of washing and you have to open the sheets because there is lots of mud/earth). On top of lamb - add sliced carrots and potatoes. Salt and pepper & any spices you like.

Pour bottle of tomato on top (coarse, with pieces).

Cook for 1/2 hour on very small light. The slow cooking is best as it allows the flavours to run through each other; stir from time to time to make sure nothing sticks.

It was delicious. Must make it again soon. and notice NO FAT!

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